Events with

Join FunTimes as we celebrate the rich and diverse cultures of the African diaspora. From captivating performances to thought-provoking discussions, FunTimes Magazine brings you a curated selection of events that showcase the talents, stories, and experiences of the diaspora community. Come and be part of our inclusive and empowering events that embrace the beauty and resilience of the African diaspora.
FunTimes takes a look at love in Black culture
On February 21, 2025, we dove head-first into the Valentine’s season with FunTimes Magazine’s latest engaging community workshop, The Color of Love: How The Power Of Love Can Strengthen Black Communities. This post-Valentine’s virtual presentation was inspired by the phrase “loving on us.” It will celebrate love and the power of the Black community in an ever-changing and sometimes unwelcoming world. We explore d ways to cultivate unity and collaboration within Black communities including among younger generations; the role of love in addressing systemic inequality, racism, and economic disparities. We discussed inspiring instances in history when communion and love have been a transformative force in Black communities as well as how the power of love can effectively build intergenerational bonds and preserve cultural heritage. Check out these insights from expert panelists Dr. Kory Grice, of the Life Turn Network of therapists and Christian counselors, and “Your favorite church girl,” Kala West (a.k.a. Kala J.), host-producer of WURD Radio’s Sunday Morning Praise, a weekly faith-based program. The event moderator was Lavonne Nichols, a dynamic multi-media host-author-trauma recovery coach-certified ACEs trainer. Learn about "The Power of Love," and view this transformational experience...

FunTimes presented a holiday virtual event on Instagram December 12, 2024, “Faith, Family & Culture: Learn how different religions celebrate the winter holidays," focusing on Black communities. Moderator Lavonne Nichols and panelists Coach B. Wright (Bulinda Wright-Jones) and Juliette Njoku, Ph.D, led an engaging session celebrating cultures and religions. It was a fun and educational interfaith exploration of family and the spiritual dynamics in our modern-day society. Get a glimpse. Here is a video of the event.
Nigeria Independence Flag-Raising Ceremony in Philadelphia
October 2, 2024
Recently, FunTimes successfully hosted Nigeria’s Independence Day celebration and annual and historical observance in Philadelphia, bringing together the Nigerian Diaspora, African Americans, and others from the Caribbean and African communities. The event engaged our city and community partners, and attracted a large crowd and wide media attention from three major Delaware Valley news outlets, securing a coverage outreach of 500,000 people. High-profile events like this effectively showcase how cultural celebrations are vital in creating spaces for networking, collaboration, and cultural exchange. These efforts highlight the importance of maintaining and deepening ties between the local Diaspora and their countries of origin.
Photos by Laura Elam (top right), and Emmanuel Oyelami (all others)

Exploring The Many Faces of Black Families Today
Many of our priorities center around family. That’s why FunTimes Magazine thought a virtual event, Exploring the Many Faces of Black Families Today, during National Black Family Month (observed in July) would be particularly interesting. And so timely. This engaging and educational July 25th session focuses on family values, traditions, parenting styles, work-family balance, family dynamics, and traditional and unconventional families. Our distinguished panel of educators and experts -- Dr. Ellyn Jo Waller, Annette Deigh and Joel Austin -- shed light on the state of family living.
Mental Health Awareness Month 2024
Interview Series
LIVING SINGLE: Navigating Valentine's Day
February 2024
FunTimes held an enriching Instagram Live discussion on Living Single during Valentine's Day featuring guests Funmi Saheeb, Donovan West, and Jennifer Harris.

🎁 Holiday Stress Busters & Solutions:
Managing Self-care 💅🏿, Finances 💸, Diet and Nutrition 🥕
December 2023